
Soulcalibur 2 link
Soulcalibur 2 link

soulcalibur 2 link

Sound: Sound is done very well in this game I think. Smooth graphics, nice characters, good looking weapons, and nice bright surroundings add to the feel very well. Graphics: Visually this game is beautifully done. The game is very difficult to master and the highest levels really are very hard which is good. Weapons in a solid 3D fighter are rare and they are added in very well into SC2. The combos and characters are very unique. Not too hard to get into and even beginners can mash the buttons and have fun executing some combos they act like they know how to do.

soulcalibur 2 link

It takes a lot to get good at and is a pleasure to play. Overall: This is a solid fighter and probably tops my list for 3D fighters. The sound in this game gets the job done well, even though you might get tired of hearing some characters say the same thing over and over. Even though it wouldn?t have hurt adding a little more fast-paced tunes to the game. The tunes flow along well and fit each level for the most part. But sometimes it sounds like the American voice actors were trying too hard with some of the voices which makes the voices sound a little fake, but that isn?t so bad. The characters? voices are for the most part, well done. Sound: The sounds in this game are great and, most of the time, sound authentic. Namco did a wonderful job in this department. The only complaint with the graphics is that there are minor clipping problems (hair going and weapons going right through characters? clothing when the characters pose, etc) but that is minor complain. The character combos look awesome and whether you are on the receiving end of the combo or not, you will enjoy watching them. The characters and stages are very detailed and nice to look at. If you thought Soul Calibur?s graphics were good, Soul Calibur II?s graphics will grab you by your eyes and burn them, but in a good way. Graphics: The graphics in this game are wonderful. Other than those complaints, Soul Calibur II has a gem of a fighting system.

soulcalibur 2 link

The only complaint I have is that some characters might seem to overpowered and ring-out are easy to get and rather annoying. But these basics are the bases of much more complex actions which are the bases of ever more complex actions! Someone can pick up this game and have a good time and then they can have an even better time trying to master the system. What I mean by this is that someone can pick up the controller and learn the basics of the fighting system (eight way run, horizontal, vertical attacks, etc.) in about an hour or less. Gameplay: Soul Calibur II, easy to learn, difficult to master. This game is one of the highlights of the 2003 gaming year. It is not known why such a bizarre combination of character pieces were assembled in this way, but it's clear the characters were scrapped fairly early in development, with only their names remaining in the code.Overall: Soul Calibur II will not disappoint you and will last you a long time, considering you have the patience to master some of the harder characters and combo. The name "Takagi" curiously appears to have been taken directly from the name of Cassandra's seiyuu Reiko Takagi, who voiced the character in Japanese versions of the game, potentially explaining why the string loads Cassandra's model.Using her in a mode where the character's name is visible will show Spawn's name regardless of which console version is being played. She uses Mitsurugi's moveset with Kali-Yuga (Kilik's weapon). Q.Takagi uses Cassandra's model, utilizing the 2P costume.A character named Wovama was advertised for Soulcalibur II very early on in the August 2001 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, although details on the character were minimal, only describing her as "a young blonde female warrior", and displayed no hint as to her weapon, appearance, or other traits.She uses Nightmare's moveset with Kulutues (Astaroth's weapon). Wovama uses Cassandra's model, utilizing the 1P costume.Similarly to the arcade Tekken 3, placeholder data for two unused characters can be accessed through cheat codes, but they use pre-existing character models, movesets, and weapon models.

Soulcalibur 2 link